Long Stratton Elections
What you need to know about the election 2023 process
A Council’s life is for 4 years. This means that elections are held every 4 years and the next election is Thursday 4th May 2023. Every person who wants to be a Councillor, whether they are existing Councillors or members of the public, must go through the process of standing for election.
The election process
You will need to complete a nomination paper. Nomination papers can be got from either the Town Clerk, the elections team or the South Norfolk District Council website. As well as your own details, the form asks you to provide the name of a proposer and a seconder, these are people that must be on the electoral role, this is the only condition therefore a proposer and seconder can be a family member or friend as long as they are on the electoral role.
The electoral role number and nomination pack can be sought from either the Town Clerk by email office@longstrattontowncouncil.gov.uk or by contacting South Norfolk District Council on 01603 430483 or email elections@southnorfolkandbroadland.gov.uk.
The form has to be delivered by hand to the Horizon Centre (annexe) Broadland Business Park, Peachman Way, Norwich, NR7 0WF by 4pm on the 4th April 2023. The earlier your form is submitted the better it is to ensure there are no errors / or time to correct errors and ensure eligibility. You can find detailed guidance on the Electoral Commission website at
If you would like the Town Clerk to deliver your form, please place it in a sealed envelope marked for the attention of the elections team in the Long Stratton Town Council Post box on the side of the Pavilion on Manor Road playing fields no later than 30th March 2023.
If more than 13 people put their name forward Long Stratton will then hold and election on the 8th May. If there are 13 people or less it will be known as uncontested election and you will be automatically elected as a Councillor for Long Stratton.
As a new Councillor you will be asked to sign a Declaration of Acceptance of Office before / or at the next Council meeting which will be held on the 15th May 2023. You will also be asked to complete a Register of Interest Form and Code of Conduct within 28 days. These forms will be available from the Town Clerk. You will be asked to complete an expenses form to South Norfolk District Council by 1st June 2023 (even if it is a nil return).
Once you are on the Council
Council meetings as a rule are held the 2nd Monday of every month at the Pavilion on Manor Road playing fields at 7pm. There is no meeting in August and meetings aren’t held on a bank holiday. You will receive a summons to the meeting 3 clear days before the meeting not including a Sunday therefore if a meeting is held on the Monday night you will receive papers no later than the Wednesday before. You will also be asked to provide a picture of yourself and a small bio about why you want to be a Councillor. Please contact the Clerk if you have any questions or would like to know more information.